Sunday, September 27, 2020

Weekly Update 9/28-10/2

This is an exciting week because ALL of first grade will be at school! I’m very excited for our class to be together! It will be a busy week of getting to know each other, and settling into routines as a whole class. I am really looking forward to it.


This week’s announcements

*Please make sure your child brings their iPad AND charger with them to school on Monday. Please make sure their iPad is FULLY CHARGED.  Now that all first graders will be at school every day, we will store iPads here at school, and I will be responsible for keeping them charged.  So, I will need the chargers back. If we go into the red category again, then children will bring their iPads home with them at that time.

 *Starting today, your child will bring home a weekly calendar in their OWL folder. It will show you what specials they have each day, special events occurring, and information about their behavior.  You DO NOT need to sign it every day, but it is important to check it. 

*Because there are now 26 bodies in our classroom, masks will be especially important to wear. Your kids have done an incredible job with wearing themnot one complaint! I think it’s harder for the adults than the kids...children easily adapt to new things. I appreciate your support in this area. Thank you!.

*You may have heard that there is no school on October 14th.  That is incorrect. There IS school on October 14th for elementary school.  Other dates important to note are as follows:

Tuesday, November 3

Election Day/No school

Wednesday, November 4th

Parent-Teacher conferences in the evening.  There IS school on this day.

Thursday, November 5th

Parent-Teacher conference all day/evening.  There is NO SCHOOL on this day.

Friday, November 6th

No school

*Picture Day will be October 12th and 13th. Our class has not been assigned a specific day yet. When I know which day we are scheduled, I will let you know.  This is individual Fall picture day, not class pictures.

*Wondering what’s for lunch each day?  Click on the link below for the lunch calendar. SCHOOL LUNCH IS FREE TO EVERYONE THROUGH DECEMBER!!!

Click on link, then click on “printable traditional monthly” pdf

Lunch Calendar