Hello, everyone!
Here are this week’s announcements…
*No more spelling tests for the
year! Woo-hoo!
*Willow Creek will have the “Day of Awesomeness” on
Thursday! It is supposed to reach
100 degrees on this day. Your child will
spend a good part of the day outside. Please have your child:
shorts and a t-shirt
tennis shoes
*bring a spill-proof
water bottle filled with water
*bring sunglasses
and/or a hat
sunblock to school and bring sunblock to reapply
*bring anything
you have that will help them keep cool (miniature battery operated fans, cooling
neck gaiters, etc.)
*Book orders are here! Kids who ordered
books will bring their orders home Tuesday.
*If your child has a library book at home, please have them return it to school ASAP.
*If your child borrowed a Decodable Reader from me, please have them return it to school ASAP.
*If your child has an iPad charger or hotspot at home, please have them return it to school ASAP.
*Thursday, June 10th, is the last day of school! We
will have the traditional “Lunch on the Lawn” starting at 12:00 pm. I will have
a sign-out sheet available if you choose to check your child out after Lunch on
the Lawn. School is full day, so kids who don’t go home early will be with me
for the afternoon!