Sunday, November 1, 2020

Weekly Update 11/2-11/6

 Hello to everyone!

Here are this week’s announcements

*Have you signed up for parent conferences?  Click the link below to sign up. I will be locking in the sign-ups tomorrow.

Parent conference sign-up

*There are only 2 school days for children this week due to parent conferences and Election Day.  Team 2 will come to school on Monday, Team 1 will be here on Wednesday.

*I will not have the kids fill out a weekly calendar this week, since they will only be here 1 day.

*Veteran’s Day is Wednesday, November 11th. We have school on this day, and I will be doing a lesson on what this holiday means. We will make cards for veterans. If you have a veteran in your family that you would like your child to make a card for, please let me know!

* Scholastic book orders are due on Friday, November 6th. This due date will ensure we receive our orders by Thanksgiving break. Our class code is:  PB2JN.

Click here for Scholastic book order


*Just a reminderschool lunch is FREE until December!