Sunday, January 3, 2021

Weekly Update 1/4/2021-1/8/2021

 Happy New Year!

It’s 2021, and we are back at it tomorrow.  I am looking forward to being back at school after an “early” Christmas vacation for me. I’m crossing my fingers that my December quarantine experience will be my first and last quarantine of the year. Fortunately, I did not have COVID.  

There aren’t any big announcements this week. Mostly, we are just getting back into the swing of our regular schedule. Here are a couple of reminders

*Mondays are early release days. School is dismissed at 2:10 on Monday. Lunch is served on these days.

*School lunch continues to be FREE until the end of the school year!

* We will not have any new spelling lists until Wednesday, January 13th.

* There is no school on Monday, January 18th. It is observance of Human Rights Day.