Sunday, January 24, 2021

Weekly Update 1/25-1/29

Hello, families!

Here are this week’s announcements

* Thank you for supporting your child in studying their week 1 sight words. When I graded last week’s test, I saw much improvement on their spelling of these words. On Wednesday, they will be tested on their week 2 sight words.

*Willow Creek is collecting snack food items for the St. Luke’s Children’s Hospital family kitchen. Our class collected over 360 snack items!  Thanks for your support! The food drive ends on Friday, January 29. If you would like to donate items, please see details from the flyer below.  You may have to click on the photo to see the list


*We will have a Valentine’s celebration on Friday, February 12th. Mr. C has asked us to have children pass out their Valentine cards on Tuesday, February 9. We will hold them for 72 hours, and children can take them home on Friday, February 12th. This will help us ensure that Valentines are COVID free. I will send home a class list of names next week. Children may bring pre-packaged treats to go along with the Valentines if you choose.

We have some new families, so I will post these items again

*Mondays are early release days. School is dismissed at 2:10 on Monday. Lunch is served on these days.

*School lunch continues to be FREE until the end of the school year!



*Good readers can determine which events are important vs. interesting

*Good readers can write about what happened in the beginning, middle and end of a story.


*Solving subtraction word problems within 20

* Solve subtraction problems within 20

Word Study/Grammar

*Sight word list week two will be tested on Wednesday

*Bossy e spelling pattern

Unit (Social Studies and/or Science)

New unit on the United States

*Who are good citizens from the past?

Writer’s Workshop

Introduction to research writing









Sunday, January 17, 2021

Weekly Update 1/18-1/22

Hello, families!

Here are this week’s announcements

* Your child brought home their sight words last week. They will be tested on the week one words this Wednesday.  They need to know how to both read AND spell the words.

*I am going to try something a little different for spelling this time around.  At home, kids only need to focus on studying the reading and spelling of the sight words.  I will not send home a spelling pattern list. We need to really be focused on the sight words.  If they can’t read the sight words, they will not improve their reading fluency and comprehension. They need to practice spelling them because sight words do not follow a specific pattern, so they can’t rely on that pattern they have memorized to spell. Please have them practice their words at home each night.  We will continue to work on spelling patterns in class, but at home I really need to them to focus on the sight words that are highlighted on their list.  Thank you!

*Information about our annual district art contest will be coming home on Tuesday. If your child is a little artist, they may be interested in participating!

*Book orders have been placed.



*Good readers can retell stories

*Good readers can sequence events in a story


*Solving subtraction word problems within 20

* Solve subtraction problems within 20

Word Study/Grammar

*Sight word list week one will be tested on Wednesday

*Bossy e spelling pattern

Unit (Social Studies and/or Science)

New unit on the United States

*What is a good citizen?

*Who are good citizens from the past?

Writer’s Workshop

Introduction to research writing



Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Weekly Update 1/11-1/15


Hello, families!

Here are this week’s short and sweet announcements

* New sight word lists will come home this Wednesday, January 13th.

*Book orders due this Friday, January 15th!

* There is no school on Monday, January 18th. It is observance of Human Rights Day.

*Mondays are early release days. School is dismissed at 2:10 on Monday. Lunch is served on these days.

*School lunch continues to be FREE until the end of the school year!





*Good readers can retell stories

*Good readers can sequence events in a story


*Solving word problems within 20

*Making a 10 to solve addition problems within 20

Word Study/Grammar


Unit (Social Studies and/or Science)

New Social Studies unit starts this week!

Writer’s Workshop

Introduction to research writing

















Sunday, January 3, 2021

Weekly Update 1/4/2021-1/8/2021

 Happy New Year!

It’s 2021, and we are back at it tomorrow.  I am looking forward to being back at school after an “early” Christmas vacation for me. I’m crossing my fingers that my December quarantine experience will be my first and last quarantine of the year. Fortunately, I did not have COVID.  

There aren’t any big announcements this week. Mostly, we are just getting back into the swing of our regular schedule. Here are a couple of reminders

*Mondays are early release days. School is dismissed at 2:10 on Monday. Lunch is served on these days.

*School lunch continues to be FREE until the end of the school year!

* We will not have any new spelling lists until Wednesday, January 13th.

* There is no school on Monday, January 18th. It is observance of Human Rights Day.