Hello, everyone!
Here are this week’s announcements..
*Thank you so much for helping us stock
up on glue sticks! I think we have
enough for the rest of the year. We appreciate it!
*Don’t forget about paper towel rolls!
Please have your child bring in a paper towel roll to help us with a Science project
we will be doing after spring break.
*Children brought home their new sight
word lists last week. We will have a test on Wednesday. They will be tested on the week 1 words.
*Our class has been working really hard
to earn a special “fun” day, and they have met their goal! They have earned a pajama and pizza day for
this Friday! Your child may wear their
pj’s to school this Friday. They may also bring a blanket and stuffie to
snuggle with while we watch a movie. Additionally, we will have a special pizza
snack on this day, so children only need to bring a favorite drink from home for snack on Friday.
*Spring Break is the week of March
22-26. School resumes on Monday, March